How to choose the right amenities for your hotel?

How to choose the right amenities for your hotel?

Even though amenities are often modest parts of a room, the selection of amenities in a hotel room’s bathroom can reveal a lot about the establishment and the way its visitors would see it. Amenities have become extremely important nowadays and are not just...
Guest Amenities can make or break the stay for a guest

Guest Amenities can make or break the stay for a guest

Operating in the hospitality industry, the satisfaction of your guests mainly depends on the way their expectations are being treated by the people and the experiences they get. Guest amenities plays a vital role in keeping your guests coming back for you and result...
Amenities and Why it’s important?

Amenities and Why it’s important?

Amenities come in all shapes, sizes, and functions. Generally, the types of amenities depending on the demographic location you are in, the target audience the industry rivalry. These amenities are well-known items that the customers may sometimes collect back as...