How to choose the right amenities for your hotel?

Oct 1, 2022 | General

Even though amenities are often modest parts of a room, the selection of amenities in a hotel room’s bathroom can reveal a lot about the establishment and the way its visitors would see it.

Amenities have become extremely important nowadays and are not just bathing soap, shampoo, conditioner, etc. The customers seek more from the products as they are looking for an experience. Irrespective of the type of traveler [ Business Traveler, luxury traveler, or environmental-friendly traveler], they expect and demand more during the stay. The following points help you to understand whether you have chosen the right amenity range for your hotel.

01. Suitability of the range with the company’s brand.

A strong brand presentation adds authenticity to the brand and lets the customer have a glimpse of the history and also of the hotel where they are going to spend the next few days.

The development of the process initially may be costly, but it will support the hotel by strengthening the relationship with the guests, which is the ultimate goal of every hotel. Though it’s not strongly recognized, the bathroom amenities also support the uplift of the hotel brand. Currently, many hotels are focusing on developing specific elements, such as colors, package designs, fragrances, etc., that help to highlight the brand to the guests. These small changes can have an impact on establishing the brand in the guest’s mind.

Right amenities

02. The sizes of the amenities

Most of the hotel amenities are available in the size of 30ml & 40ml bottles or tubes. The length of the guest’s stay matters when arranging the amenities. The longer the guest stay the more the guests may request to replenish the supplies. Where sustainability matters the most in the current context, it is recommended to have refillable bottles ensuring environmentally friendly formulations and recyclable packings.

03. Adding VaAdding Value Additions to the range

Most of the hotel amenities are available in the size of 30ml & 40ml bottles or tubes. The length of the guest’s stay matters when arranging the amenities. The longer the guest stay the more the guests may request to replenish the supplies. Where sustainability matters the most in the current context, it is recommended to have refillable bottles ensuring environmentally friendly formulations and recyclable packings.